in 2012, Brazil will host a major UN conference - * United Nations: the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, dubbed Rio +20 *. But you idea what will happen during this event? What it represents for our future?
In June, leaders of the 193 States party to the UN, as well as representatives from various sectors of the Organization, will meet to discuss how we can make the planet a better place to live, including future generations. A great responsibility, is not it?
The idea of holding this conference in Brazil was the former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who in 2007 made the proposal to the UN. And you know why the event was called Rio +20? Because the meeting will be held in Rio de Janeiro, exactly 20 years after another international conference that had very similar goals: the ECO92 also promoted by the UN, the state capital, to discuss possible ways of development without disrespecting the environment.
The event yielded the creation of several important documents - such as Agenda 21, the Earth Charter and the Convention on Climate Change and Biological Diversity - in addition to having a dedicated girl - believe it! - Only 12 years.
It is the small Canadian Severn Suzuki, founder of the movement Eco - Environmental Children's Organization, which was marked in the history of ECO92 to raise money, together with three friends - Michelle Quigg, Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler * - to travel to Brazil and talk to the most important leaders of the planet at the time. In a speech to moving there, the girl asked older adults about the world they would leave her and their future generations. (Watch the video presentation of the ECO92 Suzuki at the end of this text).
Twenty years later, the Rio +20 will bring together leaders from around the world to take stock of what was done in the past two decades and to discuss new ways to recover the damage we've done on the planet, while progressing. But consider alternatives to lessen the impact of humanity on Earth is not the responsibility, only the government: it is ours. After all, all the attitudes we take in everyday life - the time it took us to brush our teeth means of transport we choose to go to school - affect in any way, the planet and therefore our lives.
Therefore, in the same period of the official meeting of the Rio +20, the Rio de Janeiro will host also the Peoples' Summit, an event that will feature discussions, lectures and a host of other activities on the same themes of the UN Conference but that will be promoted by civil society groups - such as NGOs and companies.
The idea is that all sectors of society to discuss, at the same time, ways of making the planet a better place to live. After all, unity is strength, right? And even those who are from outside these two meetings can help thinking of ways to lessen their impact on Earth. How about taking shorter showers? Or turn off the TV, while using the computer and vice versa? Think of actions you can take to improve the planet we live on and share with your friends, parents and teachers - and also here with us!You can encourage many others to do the same ...
For inspiration, watch the girl Severn Suzuki speech at ECO92
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