Dada as necessidades de processamento adequado, que não resulte em poluição, já existem classificações do lixo de acordo com a sua origem (domiciliar, industrial, hospitalar, etc.) e sua composição (orgânico e inorgânico). Abordagens mais recentes do problema têm apontado outra categoria especial de lixo, devido a sua especificidade: o lixo eletrônico ou e-lixo. Trata-se essencialmente da sucata que resulta de aparelhos eletrônicos como microcomputadores, televisões, CDs, DVDs, telefones celulares, pilhas e baterias, materiais com alta concentração de metais pesados.
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Among the environmental problems facing Brazil today, certainly deserves the trash. According to the IBGE, the Brazilian daily produce about 228 tons of trash, most of which will not go through a proper process of collection and disposal. To get an idea, just know that only 2% of this total are subjected to selective collection that enables recycling and eventually proper disposal.
Given adequate processing needs, which does not result in pollution, since the waste classifications are according to their origin (home, industrial, hospital, etc.) And composition (organic and inorganic). More recent approaches to the problem have appointed another special category of waste, due to its specificity: electronic waste or e-waste. This is essentially scrap that results from electronic devices such as computers, televisions, CDs, DVDs, cell phones, batteries, materials with high concentrations of heavy metals.
Given adequate processing needs, which does not result in pollution, since the waste classifications are according to their origin (home, industrial, hospital, etc.) And composition (organic and inorganic). More recent approaches to the problem have appointed another special category of waste, due to its specificity: electronic waste or e-waste. This is essentially scrap that results from electronic devices such as computers, televisions, CDs, DVDs, cell phones, batteries, materials with high concentrations of heavy metals.
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